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Gentlemen, start your…

November 9, 2010.

Cody McKenzie (my brother) and Jason McKenzie embark on a profound journey….

We are going to read through the Bible.

This will be my 4th or 5th or 6th attempt at trying to read through the Bible. (Previous attempts have not been successful.) I’m not sure what it is, but I’ve always had a problem with following through on big plans that I make. I have great intentions, and I really want to follow through, but it usually doesn’t happen. This time I’m attempting the journey with someone else. (see Proverbs 27:17)

Full disclosure: Kate and I had agreed to read through earlier this year, but we didn’t really establish a formal plan, and I have quickly faded into her rearview.

So here we go. For those keeping score at home, today’s “chunk” is Genesis 1-3.

Check back for future updates…

2 thoughts on “Gentlemen, start your…”

  1. That’s awesome! I have read throught the whole thing once or twice and attempted it at least a dozen times. (I can’t get past the end of Genesis for some reason without getting too bored) Even though I have physically read every single word in my NIV, I always hear names and stories from the Bible that I swear I have never heard before. I think every time you read it, God points out different things to you that are pertinent for your life here and now. Way to go to my cuz’s!! Have fun!!

  2. Yeah, I got to about the middle of Leviticus this last time, but this time I’m pushing through! Yeah, it’s crazy that God reveals new things all the time. The Word really is alive and active. I’m even seeing new things in the first few chapters of Genesis that I can’t remember ever seeing. It’s awesome. =)

    Thanks for the encouragement!

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