Reading through the Bible

Read Through Update

Most of you (okay, probably none of you) have probably been asking yourself, “I wonder when Jason is finally going to post about his progress on reading through the Bible.” Well, the wait is over!

Cody and I are officially 4 weeks into our plan, and I’m excited to announce that we are both on track. I’ll be honest and say that there have been a number of stretches where I’ve dropped behind a few days and then caught up, but as of today I’m completely up to date. So far, we have covered most of Genesis and all of Job (we’re doing a chronological plan, so we’re not following the “normal” order of the Bible), and it’s been really cool going through everything with Cody. Even though I’ve already read all of these chapters before, it’s great to discuss them with Cody and notice things that I’ve never noticed before. It’s so true that the Bible is “living and active.” –Hebrew 4:12

Well, that’s really it. I don’t really have anything deep or interesting to say, I just wanted to update everyone on the progress.

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