Liam John

And Then There Was One

When Liam holds his breath, or chokes, or forgets to breathe, an alarm goes off. For the last 56 days this alarm has monitored his oxygen saturation and has been a part of the extensive system of wires and machines that have kept my son alive.



That monitor just came off.

And then there was one.


This final wire monitors his heart rate. I have been listening/watching Liam’s heart rate since I got here. Every single day since January 18th. 96 days in total. It will come off on his 97th day. And his heart will keep beating.

And so will mine.

We go home tomorrow. I’m ready friends. It is time. As I was thinking about this post and started to write about Liam holding his breath, I started to get a picture of what walking into our house will be like tomorrow. And I started to cry.

Because I realized I have been holding MY breath for 96 days.

And I’m ready to breathe again. A deep, long, unencumbered breath of home. My breathing hasn’t been hooked up to any monitors, but it hasn’t needed to be. My Father in Heaven has been monitoring my breathing every minute of these last three months. And each time that I’ve held it or choked or forgotten to breathe, I know He has gently taken me in His arms and whispered,

“Breathe, Momma. Breathe. I have him.”

So we are good. We are ready. It is time. I want out. Liam needs to breathe in the fresh air and see his nursery and meet HIS dogs. Jason needs to go to work and come HOME to his family and we need to move forward. No wires. No nurses. No doctors. No more hospital walls. All of the things that have been amazing and that have taken care of us…they’ve prepared us to go.

So we will go.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” {Joshua 1:9}

9 thoughts on “And Then There Was One”

  1. Tears in my eyes.

    Rejoicing with you (and holding my breath for you).

    Yes. God will help Liam to breathe, just as He has helped you to breathe.

    He has you both in the palm of His hands, and He will continue to hold you.

    Prayers as you prepare for this most glorious homecoming.

    mama of 12

  2. I’m not really sure how I came across your blog exactly. But I have been following your journey since day four or so after your water broke. I have been checking in each day and praying for you and your family. As I read that you are going home, I’m praying for protection for Liam, for wisdom for you and your husband, for a peace that passes understanding, for fear to flee and for joy to abound. Blessings to you!! I will continue to pray for all of you! Your Sister in Christ, Courtney

  3. Funny, I have that verse on the dashboard of my car. It gets me to work, and joyfully takes me home! HOME!! Finally…..AWESOME! May God continue to watch over you all, as you ALL go home together! What an amazing blessing!! Enjoy!! Joyfully yours….Marlene

  4. Brought tears to my eyes. My husband and I have been following your blog since February and have been praying from Spokane. May God bless you and your family! Continue to trust Him always.
    The Freemans

  5. B-R-E-A-T-H-E


    Everlasting God is with you wherever you go.
    Our prayers go with you, too. love and hugs 🙂

  6. “This is the day…..this is the day…..this is the day that the Lord has made.
    “We will rejoice…..we will rejoice….we will rejoice and be glad in it.

  7. Smiling across the ocean, from Australia, for you all.
    Sooooo exciting! Eeeeeee! 🙂
    Don’t be surprised if it feels like every car is out to get you when you are driving home from the hospital! We now laugh about how incredibly stressed and silent we were as we drove our daughter home!! 😀
    So incredibly happy for you all, and so thankful to our loving God. xox

  8. Joshua 1:9 is so right. You have been in the mantra for so long. Why stop now. “I Got This” He certainly does and has . Continued prayers.

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