Amazing Grace?

End of November Check-In

Howdy friends! 

Well, if you’ve visited the blog at all lately, you’ve noticed that I have not been able to keep up with the initial “Amazing Grace” schedule that I set. As much as I love to spend the time writing the posts, I’m just unable to keep that schedule right now with the holidays coming and with some exciting new adventures that I’ve got going. This doesn’t mean it’s not ever going to happen. Just that it’s gonna be on hold until at least after the New Year. I’m still really excited to explore each of the aspects of the Works-Based and Grace-Based wheels as well as share the Real Life Evidences of Graces stories that I’ve got in the vault. But until then, I’ll probably just be posting shorter things like updates on our little Warrior {like he’s 5.3 seconds away from crawling and is almost 9 months old!!!}, fun things going on during the holidays AND my new business adventure with Origami Owl.

Hope you all have had a wonderful weekend. Thanks for grace and for understanding. I’m sorry for not following through on my proposed schedule! 

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