Embryo Adoption, Fun Finds

The Gift of Life with Mike Huckabee

Super cool, super exciting news. Mike Huckabee is coming out with a DVD called, “The Gift of Life.” The movie zooms in on powerful stories of individuals who were almost aborted, but were spared by God’s grace. Not only is this a topic near and dear to our heart, but it also features the Lancaster family and their story of embryo adoption. As many of you know, Maria is the director of Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park. This is the program that we are working with for our embryo adoption and we are super excited that her story (along with many others) are going to be shared with so many people. Please spread the word—repost this post, and click here to order your DVD! We’ve ordered ours!!! Order by December 19th to have it in time for Christmas. Watch the trailer below.

*Photo and trailer taken from thegiftoflivemovie.com